Children are less exposed to the natural world than ever before. No longer free to explore their surroundings on their own or to come across species that were once abundant even in our cities, children have become disconnected with nature and have even lost such basic knowledge as the origins of the food on their plates.

Nature and the outdoor environment is an amazing tool that can be used to inspire children of all ages. It can be employed to deliver learning experiences that cover topics across your school’s curriculum, provide problem-based learning, engage parental partnerships, boost confidence and encourage creative and independent thinking.

Children learn in a variety of ways and using green outdoor spaces allows children to use all their senses by exposing them to the surroundings that stimulate, allowing them to touch, to smell, to taste and to hear all that is going on around them - truly experiencing the world.

There are many opportunities to become involved in outdoor activities and several organisations deliver excellent sessions. See the links page for more. By creating habitats near to, or on, your school grounds you will also be better placed to become involved in many of the country-wide surveys and contribute to programmes such as the Million Ponds Project.

We can help your school develop outdoor laboratories, to investigate the wonders of wildlife & to boost your Eco-school’s status. Click here to find out more...


Shaping All Our Futures

Created by Farmercology consultancy 2011 ©.